Ash-Dixon SCHOOL
Primrose Township
8988 County Rd. G
District: 1
Notes: 1847 - 1962. In 1847 a log school was built on
land purchased from David Ash in Section 17 in Primrose Township. In March of 1850 there were 26 pupils taught by Nathan A. Munn for three months. It increased to 48 pupils in September to be taught for six months. This school was abandoned in 1857 in favor of a new school built 80
rods north of the log school in Section 17. This school was named
Ash School. Around 1870 the district became Joint District 1 with
Perry Township.
In 1873 the Ash School was moved 240 rods south into Section 19 and placed on the property of Charles Dixon. From this time on the school was called Dixon School and served the district until 1899. In 1899 a new frame building was constructed by district residents five rods north of the old school on a 20 acres of land in Section 18. The school was located where CTH “A” intersects with “G.” The school closed in 1962.
In 1873 the Ash School was moved 240 rods south into Section 19 and placed on the property of Charles Dixon. From this time on the school was called Dixon School and served the district until 1899. In 1899 a new frame building was constructed by district residents five rods north of the old school on a 20 acres of land in Section 18. The school was located where CTH “A” intersects with “G.” The school closed in 1962.
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