Volunteer opportunities are available all year round for short term projects or for longer term involvement. Your assistance is critical to making the Historical Society a lively and meaningful part of southwestern Dane county. Contact Destinee Udelhoven, Executive Director, for more information. (608) 437-6486 and/or fill out our Volunteering Form. Current Volunteer Opportunities: Board of Directors The Mount Horeb Area Historical Society is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors made up of community leaders, business professionals and scholars. The Board meets on the first Thursday of every month usually in Mount Horeb. Committee Memberships Strategic Planning - Strategic planning is used to define the strategy, or direction, and makes decisions on allocating resources to pursue this strategy. Resource Development and Fundraising - The Capital Campaign Committee is charged with assisting the Board of Directors in raising funds to support our work. If you have experience in fundraising we would welcome your participation. Events and Programs - Assist our staff in developing multi-generational programs. Help to design public events and outreach to further the Society's mission. Activities include everything from designing curricula to providing refreshments. Marketing and Outreach - Help make sure the Society is on everyone's calendars. Expertise in developing a marketing plan is especially needed. Membership - Increasing the Society's membership is a primary goal this year. Come with ideas about how to attract new members and new revenues. Also help to develop reasons to belong. Collections Management - Help with organizing and curating our artifacts and archives. Building and Grounds - Help in managing our physical building and and surrounding grounds. Gift Shop The gift shop is currently open daily, 10am to 4pm. Help is needed to greet visitors and manage the counter. Custodial The Museum needs custodial help in keeping our appearance fresh for our visitors. See Also: Driftless Historium Museum and Research Center Volunteering. |