Invest in the Next Forty Years
Article and photograph that appeared in the Mt. Horeb Mail November 12, 2014.
The Mount Horeb Area Historical offered a Dig into the Past: Archaeology for Children event during the 2014 Fall Festival. An investment in the Southwestern Dane County Heritage Center will help provide space for hands on programs like this one throughout the year. |
The Mount Horeb Area Historical Society entered its 40th birthday year in October 2014. The Society invites you to help celebrate by investing in the capital campaign for the Southwestern Dane County Heritage Center before December 31.
The Society has preserved the culture and heritage of rural Southwestern Dane County, specifically the Townships of Blue Mounds, Perry, Springdale, Vermont and Verona and the municipalities located within them, since 1975. Currently located in both the museum on South Second Street and on the third floor of the Municipal Building, the Society lacks adequate space for programming, outreach, display and research. The Society aims to break ground in the fall of 2015 for a larger, consolidated facility with room for exhibits, lectures and programs, events and research.
Land was purchased for the project in 2008. In early 2013 Jim Kalscheur’s Kalscheur Family Foundation pledged $100,000 to preserve and interpret the agricultural and sports history of the area. Later, new pledges matched a $250,000 pledge from Steven and Marianne Schlecht of Duluth Trading Company. Additionally, Pleasant Rowland, made a $100,000 donation to the project.
Join the Schlechts, the Jim Kalscheur Family, the Mount Horeb Community Foundation and the Madison Community Foundation and make you pledge today. Read about the project at Pledge forms can be found online at, or by calling Karla Ott at 712-6854. Pledges can still be made in two installments, 2014 and 2015.