Mount Horeb Area civil war history
Soldiers - The Service Record Book of Men and Women of Mt. Horeb, Wis. and Community published by the Mount Horeb American Legion Post.
This publication documents the soldiers who resided in our area before, during or after the war. Visit our Research Center to access our collection of Civil War papers, photographs, database, and artifacts.
Anderson, Martin |
Private |
Arneson, Allen |
Private |
18th Infantry Wis. |
G |
Arneson, Andrew E. |
Private |
49th Infantry Wis. |
A |
Arneson, Andrew E. |
Private |
Feb. 1865 |
Blue Mounds |
49th Infantry Wis. |
A |
Arneson, Arne |
Private |
Dec 15, 1861 |
Mount Horeb |
15th Infantry Wis. |
D |
Barker, William |
Private |
10th Infantry Wis. |
G |
Barsness, John H. |
Private |
16th Infantry Wis. |
G |
Barton, Ole O. |
Private |
23rd Infantry Wis. |
D |
Bjorsaeter, Larson O. |
Private |
31st Infantry Wis. Vol. |
G |
Bohn, Ernest |
Private |
9th Infantry Wis. |
D |
Bollig, Henry J. |
Private |
Brader, Alfred C. |
Private |
42nd Infantry Wis. |
I |
Brager, EvIand O. |
Private |
15th Infantry Wis. |
B |
Brager, Knud O. |
Private |
15th Infantry Wis. |
B |
Brager, Ole O. |
Private |
Infantry Wis. |
Brager, Peter H. |
Private |
27th Infantry Wis. |
A |
Brendler, C. A. |
Private |
3rd Infantry Wis. |
D |
Byrge, Marve N. |
Private |
28th Infantry Wis. |
K |
Campbell, Archibald |
Private |
Campbell, W. R. |
Private |
Chestelson, Sigard |
Private |
12th Infantry Wis. |
C |
Collins, John Jr. |
Private |
45th Infantry Wis. |
F |
Collins, William |
Private |
3rd Infantry Wis. |
K |
Cunneen, John |
Private |
7th Calvary I11. |
A |
Dahlby, Peder A. |
Private |
46th Infantry Wis. |
G |
Denneen, Patrick |
Private |
105 Infantry Penn. |
A |
Erickson, Arthur E. |
Private |
16th Infantry Wis. |
G |
Erickson, Christopher |
Private |
15th Infantry Wis. |
B |
Erickson, Peder |
Private |
16th Infantry Wis. |
G |
Erickson, Sever |
Private |
Evanson, Hans |
Private |
31st Infantry Wis. |
E |
Everson, John |
Private |
38th Infantry Wis. |
G |
Finke, Christian H. |
Private |
3rd Calvary Wis. |
M |
Fox, Abjah |
Private |
3rd Calvary Wis. |
D |
Garfoot, John |
Private |
30th Wis. |
B |
Gilbertson, Anders |
Private |
27th Infantry Wis. |
H |
Gilbertson, Arnie |
Private |
27th Infantry Wis. |
H |
Gjesvald, John |
Private |
QM Corps |
Grimsvedt, Ole |
Private |
12th Infantry Wis. |
C |
Grinden, Martin O. |
Mount Horeb |
C? |
Grinder, Hans O. |
Private |
12th Infantry Wis. |
G |
Grinder, Martin O. |
Private |
12th Wis. Vol. |
Halferdahle, Aslak |
Halstenson, Gilbert |
Private |
12th Infantry Wis. |
C |
Halverson, Nipls |
Private |
16th Infantry Wis. |
G |
Harmon, Joseph |
Harmon, Joseph (James) |
Mount Horeb |
D |
Helgeson, John |
Private |
15th Infantry Wis. |
H |
Helland, E. M. |
46th Infantry Wis. |
G |
Hellekson, Hellek |
Private |
50th Infantry Wis. |
E |
Helmenstine, August |
Helmenstine, William J. |
Private |
49th Infantry Wis. |
A |
Howery, William T. |
Private |
33rd Infantry Wis. |
K |
Huseth, Andrew O. |
45th Infantry Wis |
E |
Hustad, Nels |
Isaacson, Isaac |
Private |
15th Infantry Wis. |
D |
Iverson, Mikkel B. |
Private |
31st Infantry Wis. |
E |
Jackson, George |
Private |
43rd Infantry Wis. |
I |
Johnson, J. C. |
Private |
Ist Calvary Wis. |
K |
Jones, David |
Private |
33rd Infantry Wis. |
K |
Ketchurn, George P. |
Private |
47th Infantry Wis. |
E |
Kiubrub, Ole O. |
Knudson, John R. |
Private |
52nd Infantry Wis. |
D |
Knudson, Teman |
Koch, William |
Private |
4th Calvary Wis. |
B |
Krogh, P. J. |
Private |
42nd Infantry Wis. |
H |
Larson, Hans C. |
Corporal |
15th Infantry Wis. |
G |
Latimer, William |
Private |
12th Infantry Wis. |
C |
Lee, Gutram O. |
Private |
4th Calvary Wis. |
D |
Lee, Ole A. |
Private |
Feb 10, 1862 |
Mount Horeb |
15th Infantry Wis. |
D |
Lewis, Albert B. |
Private |
26th Infantry Wis. |
A |
Loftis, Michael |
Corporal |
47th Infantry Wis. |
E |
Lunde, |
Messerschmidt, Henry |
Private |
27th Infantry Wis. |
Meyer, Christian Jr. |
Corporal |
29th Infantry Wis. |
G |
Mikkelson, Anders |
Private |
4th Calvary Wis. |
G |
Mikkelson, Arne |
Mikkelson, Ole |
Private |
15th Infantry Wis. |
B |
Miles, Henry |
Private |
34th Infantry Wis. |
Minor, William W. |
Private |
2nd Infantry Wis. |
H |
Olson, Iver |
Private |
34th Infantry Wis. |
C |
Olson, Ole M. |
Private |
15th Infantry Wis. |
B |
Opsal, Hans O. |
Private |
38th Infantry Wis. |
G |
Osmundson, Osmud |
Private |
43rd Infantry Wis. |
I |
Paulson, George |
Private |
22nd Infantry Wis. |
E |
Paulson, Ole |
Private |
22nd Infantry Wis. |
E |
Peck, Clement S. |
Aug 26, 1861 |
Jul 19, 1865 |
Blue Mounds |
15th Infantry Wis. |
D |
Pederson, Peter B. |
Private |
2lth In. Wis. |
H |
Peters, John |
Sergeant |
15th Infantry Wis. |
E |
Peterson, Moe Ole |
Private |
27th Infantry Wis. |
H |
Pierce, Joseph L. |
Private |
38th Infantry Wis. |
F |
Post, Lawrence |
Private |
Wis. Vol. |
K |
Randell, Lawrence E. |
Private |
8th Infantry Wis. |
H |
Remele, Conrad |
Private |
49th Infantry Wis. |
F |
Rice, Theddius |
Private |
11th Infantry Wis. |
A |
Riley, Robert |
Rindy, O. H. |
Ruste, Anton |
Private |
15th Infantry Wis. |
E |
Schaefer, Konrad H. |
Private |
29th Infantry Wis. |
G |
Schettler, William |
16th Infantry Wis. |
C |
Scott, Harvey J. |
Corporal |
3rd Calvary Wis. |
M |
Severson, Gunner |
Private |
15th Infantry Win. |
H |
Shutvet, Austin O. |
Simpson, James W. |
Private |
30th Infantry Wis. |
C |
Smith, John W. |
Corporal |
1lth Infantry Wis. |
B |
Steensland, Ole |
Private |
15th Infantry Win. |
E |
Steensrud, A. A. |
Private |
43rd Infantry Wis. |
I |
Steensrud, Ole A. |
Private |
43rd Infantry Wis. |
I |
Syvrude, Knut K. |
Private |
1st Calvary Wis. |
D |
Thomas, John H. |
Private |
3rd Calvary Wis. |
L |
Thomas, John W. |
Indian Wars |
Thoreson, Christian |
Private |
Thousand, William |
Torgeson, Chester |
Private |
43rd Infantry Wis. |
I |
Urness, John |
Sergeant |
13th Infantry Wis. |
I |
Walter, Louis |
Private |
3rd Calvary Wis. |
D |
Webber, M. C. |
Private |
42nd Infantry Wis. |
F |
Weehouse, Andrew |
Corporal |
50th Infantry Wis. |
A |
Wellington, William F. |
Private |
42nd Infantry Wis. |
K |
Woeff, Fredrick G. |
Private |
49th Infantry Wis. |
A |
Wright, Z. |
Corporal |
31st Infantry Wis. |
K |