Thank you for participating in "Driftless Strong: Facing Historic Times Together and Apart"!
Please complete and submit the form to the right for EACH photo entry. We are living through a time of new and moving human stories. By helping us capture these stories, future generations will better understand what it was like to live through this historic era. PLEASE NOTE: The only information that will be publicly displayed in association with your photo is the name of the person who submitted the photo, the date of the photo, and any title that you might provide. All other information (include address, contact information, and names of individuals) will be filed with the photo in the historical record of the Mount Horeb Area Historical Society. We will also need to obtain a Photo Release Form from each entrant. This form grants us permission to add your photos to our permanent archive, and share and utilize this image as a historical document. Some examples of possible future use include research and exhibits. We will use the address you provide on this Photo Record form to send you a hard copy of the Photo Release Form and a self-addressed, stamped return envelope. Questions? Call 608-437-6486 or email [email protected]. |