Klevenville Cheese Factory
Springdale Township
2919 CTH P, Klevenville
Off site resources
Road View and Map |
Operated: <1906 - >1947
Cheesemakers: Fred Winger (1913)
Cheese Types: Brick, Swiss
Patrons: Arnold P. Sletto, owner 1913- paid the taxes in 1935
Notes: Talof Lee (or Lee Tallof); James Farrell; mgrs. At the time Lee Tallof was manager (1909), Arnold Sletto had his own cheese factory on his farm which was on the W-side of Klevenville.
Prior to the cheese factory, Klevenville had a creamery that closed in 1895. Biennial report of the Dairy and Food Commissioner of WI: Klevenville 1906, 1913, 1916, 1922, 1930. The site was known as Bluff or Pine Bluff PO before it became Klevenville in 1884. There was a Bluff Cheese Factory listed in 1896 in Springdale - possibly this one. Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory- Architectural Style: Astylistic Utilitarian Building. Wall Material: Clapboard. Basement story clad in hollow tile. Roof covered in standing seam metal |
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