New Hope Evangelical Free Church (1)
Mt. Horeb Village
1394 E. Lincoln St., Mt. Horeb WI 53572
Operated: Oct. 1985 to 1994 at this location
Notes: The first meetings of this congregation were held in 1977 at the National Savings and Loan building. Following this services were held in the basement of the State Bank of Mount Horeb for five years, then at Ridgeview School and the Gonstead Clinic building. In April, 1980, 28 charter members adopted a church constitution and two years later affiliated with the Evangelical Free Church of America. Ground breaking for a new church building located at 1304 East Lincoln Street occurred on October 21, 1985 and was dedicated on June 9, 1985. This building was sold to the Mount Horeb School District in 1993. Ray Waier signed the Warranty Deed for the current Mt. Horeb School district office on November 28, 1993.
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