We are proud to present our 2021 Student Spotlight, a MHHS/MHAHS partnership initiative.
Adelaide Arrigoni
"My art is influenced by social issues and my mental health, and has an emphasis on color. It serves as a way for me to process what is going on in the world around me and in my own head. I find it really helpful to have this outlet to focus energy into. My favorite medium is printmaking, and I plan to study entrepreneurship and printmaking after high school; with the intent to support myself off of selling my prints. My goal is to pursue a living that makes me happy, is creatively engaging, and can be beneficial in other ways than making money. I have always enjoyed being creative, and using that part of my brain. It feels good to explore my ideas and consciousness. Developing a personal style for my art was a big step for me, I finally had a way to bring forward my perspective and opinions to the world in a unique and authentic way. My high school art teachers have also been a very positive influence to me. Without their motivation, knowledge, and positivity I would have never immersed myself so much in art." |
For more information about our 2021 Student Spotlight show, "Protecting Bodies,"
visit the Upcoming Events page here: http://www.mthorebhistory.org/upcoming-events.html
visit the Upcoming Events page here: http://www.mthorebhistory.org/upcoming-events.html