Spring Grove/Hefty Cheese Factory
Operated: 1894 - 1930's
Cheesemakers: Jacob and Bertha (Gesber) Oppliger; Robert and Christina (Rettenmund) Minnig; Johan and Joanna Heimann
Cheese Types: Brick, block, limburger
Patrons: John Jacob Hefty; Jacob Durst; Nels Erickson Hustad; Sabastian and Johanna Judd; Sam and Rose Durst; Nels and Marie Brekke
Notes: Razed. Biennial report of the Dairy and Food Commissioner of WI: As Hefty Cheese Factory - Primrose PO 1896, New Glarus 1903, Mt. Vernon RD 6 1906; Mt. Horeb 1909, 1913. As Spring Grove Cheese Factory, Badger Cheese Co. Monroe owners. Mt. Horeb PO 1916, RD 6 1930.
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