Luder/Hoffman/Kaestner-Henze Cheese Warehouse
Mt. Horeb Village
200 S. 2nd St. and 119 S. 2nd St.
Mt. Horeb WI 535782 |
Operated: 1893 - >1932
Notes: Started as Luder Cheese Co. 1893, Fred Luder, Sr. and later Fred Luder, Jr. owners and operators. Originally located on west side of Mt. Horeb near the railroad. Burned in 1910 and replaced with the building on S. 2nd. St. Company bought by J.F. Hoffman in 1924. In 1940 Hoffman sold to Kaester-Henze Co. (1932). Hoffman's was a cheese warehouse for Prairie Ridge, Daffodil, Springdale, Klevenville, German Valley, Shlede (Barneveld), Kelly Hill cheese factories. Alvin E. Henze, mgr. 1921. Expanded into a second location across 2nd. St. W. Middleton, mgr. 1930
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